TYLEC webinar Wednesday 19 May
Trinity are hosting a free TYLEC webinar for teachers interested in gaining this practical in-service qualification for teaching English to children. Details and registration available at the link below.
Trinity are hosting a free TYLEC webinar for teachers interested in gaining this practical in-service qualification for teaching English to children. Details and registration available at the link below.
Vous avez sûrement vu sur les réseaux, à la télévision ou tout simplement déjà entendu parler de ce jour spécial où les américains célèbrent leur pays en portant des tenues vestimentaires blanches, rouges et bleus, où les feux d’artifices colorent le ciel à la tombée de la nuit… Ce jour si spéciale, est le jour En savoir plus surLe 4 Juillet (Fourth of July) : Le jour de l’indépendance[…]
By : Célia PONCETY, notre stagiaire L’épidémie mondiale ayant répandu une crise sanitaire inimaginable a provoqué un changement de vie constant pendant plus de deux mois. Les habitudes et le quotidien en général se sont métamorphosé en très peu de temps. Les établissements scolaires ont évidemment fermé, ce qui entraine un arrêt net des cours En savoir plus surCovid19 : Comment Bright Sparks a su réagir rapidement ?[…]
Bright Sparks welcomes our first stagiaire this week. She will be learning about the academic side of life in a language school through observing classes, doing a little teaching, and helping out with some administrative tasks. We look forward to working together to help meet our objectives.
Many of you will remember learning with or bringing your children to British Council at 29 rue Maurice Flandin. Bright Sparks is delighted to announce that we will be returning to the same location for this academic year.
Bright Sparks is now welcoming registrations for students of all ages, from 3 years up. Contact us on 04 78 82 27 85 to book a free level test and consultation. Classes on Wednesdays or Saturdays, beginning Wednesday 27 September and Saturday 30 September.
Bright Sparks students have achieved excellent results in their Starters, Movers and Flyers exams. Well done everyone!
Our candidates for KET, PET and FCE received their results last week, and the results were very impressive. More than half the candidates received a merit or distinction in their exam. In KET and PET all 10 candidates achieved at least a merit in speaking, and we also had several ‘perfect’ results in individual parts En savoir plus surCongratulations to secondary Cambridge candidates[…]
We wish all our YLE candidates the best of luck as they sit their Cambridge exams this weekend. Bonne chance!